We are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who have personally received Him as our Savior. He is the most excellent and enjoyable Person. We love Him and endeavor to give Him the first place in all things. We rejoice to be cleansed by the blood of Jesus, God’s Son, born again of the Father’s divine life, and filled with the Holy Spirit.
We highly treasure the Holy Bible as God’s revelation of Himself and of His eternal purpose. We hold the common faith which is revealed in the Bible and is common to all genuine believers.
We gather together simply as believers of the Lord in the city of Fairfax, and we receive as our brothers and sisters all who believe in Jesus Christ. We are in fellowship with over 2,000 local churches worldwide to express the one Body of Christ.
2/10 The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today, Week 4 – Material Offerings for the Lord’s Move
2/10 Life-Study Reading Schedule – Life-Study of Genesis, Message 101. Available at ministrybooks.org
2/12 7:30 – 8:00 pm Prayer Meeting at the Moses and Michelle’s
2/13 8:00 – 8:30 pm Thursday sisters prayer time
Email: churchinfairfax@gmail.com
Meeting Place: Cafeteria, Green Acres Center 4401 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22030
Meeting Time: 10:00 am Lord’s Day
Announcements: Please sign up our mailing list to receive the Lord’s day and prayer meeting announcements.
Small Groups: Various small group meetings every night of the week for singing, prayers, Bible studies, and fellowship.