
Europe Gospel Trip Report from Gloria Kwong

Dear saints, Greetings from the saints in Spain! I had the opportunity and privilege to blend with the saints there while participating in the Europe gospel trip a few weeks ago. The trainees gathered in London at Bower House where the FTTL takes place for a 2-day orientation before the teams dispersed to eight different countries. During that time we were freshly infused with a vision of what the Lord is doing in His up-to-date and present move to gain His testimony in Europe to prepare His Bride and bring in His kingdom. Even from scanning the news reports, it’s striking that the...

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FTTA-XB Greetings from Gloria Kwong

Hi beloved saints! 🙂 I’m sorry I didn’t have many of you on my mailing list last term so this might be the first update you’re receiving, and I’m still missing a lot of people so feel free to forward to any other saints. We started our term (my last term, again) on Monday finishing up our study of the crucial points in the book of Romans. This morning we studied the last crucial point in the book of Romans– the practice of the local churches. My view was uplifted SO much and my prayer is that Paul’s view, the Lord’s view of the local churches would...

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