Dear Beloved Saints,
Grace and peace to you from our precious Lord Jesus Christ. Please forgive me for writing this email so late. I am just sending it now because I have been working on it the whole term. I’m not sure why it has take me this long sorry for the delay. I just want to share with you how my fourth term has been and I also want to thank you all for sending me on the trip to Europe. There is much to stay say about Europe. My time in Italy was well spent with the saints,preaching the gospel, and praying with the saints to gain His testimony in Milan and in the while country.
For the first two days we stayed in London to have an orientation about what we will be doing in Europe and we also spent time praying in our teams. We spent a whole week in Milan and took two days to visit the saints in Torino and Vicenzia which are about 2 hours outside of Milan. The saints are so dear and sweet. They were so thankfil that we came to visit them. All the saints welcomed us with open arms and wanted us all to say longer. In Torino there is just one family of saints. Brother Titi and his wife Lori and Titi’s mother, Angela. These three saints were filled with so much Christ! I just remember sister Angela smiling and praising the Lord because she was so happy we came to visit. At Titi and Lori’s house we sang hymns in Italian, English, Romanian, and Chinese. This was so precious we could all be together with different languages but enjoying the same Christ! After our singing Titi decided to be baptized and we baptized him into the name del Padre e del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo! Later two trainee brothers were able to go back to there house to established them more in the truth and to encourage them in their going on with the Lord.
Our time in Milan was filled with preaching the gospel and blending with the saints. We spent every night with the saints to share with them, to hear their testimonies and to pray for the church in Milan. These saints are so sweet and took great care of us. As soon as we got there we felt like we were just coming home to family. As of right now there are mostly Asian speaking saints but there are a few saints from Brazil and Romania and a sister from Russia. As of right now there are no native Italians who are attending the table meeting but after going out on the gospel with the saints and by planting hundreds of seeds through tracks and our speaking we feel the Lord will raise up some who are typical Italians that will be part of the Lords testimony in Milan. Please do pray for them to have more fellowship in the Body with the saints from Rome and other parts of Europe. Also pray for them to gain some remaining fruit for the Lord’s testimony in Milan.
We have four more weeks left in the training and I have to say this term has been full of ordinary days under the divine dispensing. The Lord has been faithful to shine and expose but also to supply with abundant grace. I am so thankful for the Lord’s shining. It causes me to see that He is everything and I am nothing. Just a member in the Body dispensing Christ to others in a Jesusly human way. As you know Charnikka, Rachel, Ahava, and I will be graduating in about 3 weeks. Our theme for our graduation is Christ as our great High Priest. I really sense that this is what each one of us has experienced throughout our 4 terms in the training. I love our graduation practices because each time we are together we ascend to the third heavens. Its wonderful! The Lord is gaining a group of people into whom He can enter. It is amazing to see how the Lord has been praying, interceding, and ministering God into us throughout these two years all for His corporate expression. We have all been dealt with by the Lord in different things but all we can do is praise the Lord, all we can do is worship Him because He has worked Himself into us. This is not just for us but mainly for His corporate expression. We all have realized that everything the Lord has brought us through is for His building. I was touched Br. Ron said for her, the church, the New Jerusalem, tears will fall. We all sense that all we have been through was for His building and we are so happy the Lord is gaining us for His heart’s desire to be fulfilled. Please pray for our graduation. We want everyone who attends to be deeply touched by the Lord. We hope that many would be gained for His Body and that our graduation who hasten the Lord’s return.
I will be driving home about three days after the training so I should be home around July 20th. I cant wait to see you all! I’m so excited to come home and spend time with you. Thank you so much for all your prayers. We are all going on in the Lord. Please let us know if you have any prayer burdens. We pray each Wednesday together for the churches in the D.C. area. Greetings from all the trainees.
In Him Love