9/25 The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Knowing, Experiencing, and Enjoying Christ as Revealed in Philippians, Week 1 – Taking Christ as Everything to Gain Him by Denying Our Self and Turning to Our Spirit
9/25 Life-Study Reading Schedule – Life-Study of Genesis, Message 30. Available at ministrybooks.org
9/27 Prayer Meeting 7:30-8:00 pm
9/28 Sister’s Prayer time 8:00 – 8:30 pm
Title: New HWMR
Details: The hard copy of the new Holy Word for Morning Revival, “Knowing, Experiencing, and Enjoying Christ as Revealed in Philippians” is available at Green Acres. $7 for each copy.
Title: December 2023 Semiannual Training
Dates: Live 12/25 – 12/30, Video TBD
Location: Live in Anaheim, CA or Video in Fairfax
Details: The deadline for registration to participate in the December 2023 training is 10/29, for both in person and video. No registrations will be accepted beyond 10/29. Registration payment for live training is $205 and for video training is $130. The amounts include the cost of the outline.
Video training schedule is TBD. The church in Fairfax generally conducts meetings over a two week period – evenings and weekends and not during LD morning.
Link: December 2023 Semiannual Training Registration Form
Title: 2023 Mid-Atlantic Fall YP Conference
Dates: 9/29 – 10/1
Location: Skycroft
Details: The YP conference is this coming weekend. Please pray for the young people.
Title: Fall 2023 College Retreat
Dates: October 27-29 (Check-in begins 6:30 PM on October 27)
Location: Williamsburg Christian Retreat Center (9275 Barnes Road, Toano, VA)
Details: Cost: $100 for individuals in bunk style rooms (no more than 6 per room). Late fee of $10 after 10/8
Meals: 5 meals – Sat breakfast – Sunday lunch
Registration & Payment instructions: Deadline 10/8 (Payments can be made by Zelle to Christians on Campus (ID 571-334-2040). Registration is not considered final until payment is received. Registration Form please click here.
Title: Love Feasts
Dates: Today after the meeting
Location: Green Acres
Details: We will have a love feast roughly once a month for mutuality and getting to know each other more. We will arrange for a simple lunch with the emphasis of just being together and not be burdened with providing a comprehensive meal.
Title: 2023 International Thanksgiving Blending Conference
Date: 11/23 – 11/26
- 1st meeting: Thursday, 11/23 – 7:30 PM
- 2nd meeting: Friday, 11/24 – 10:00 AM
- 3rd meeting: Friday, 11/24 – 7:30 PM
- 4th meeting: Saturday, 11/25 – 10:00 AM
- 5th meeting: Saturday, 11/25 – 7:30 PM
- 6th meeting: Lord’s Day, 11/26 – 9:30 AM
Location: Dallas, TX
Details: All the meetings will be held at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel, Lone Star Ballroom, located at 400 Olive Street, Dallas, TX 75201, and will be open to the public. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Some additional languages may also be included. Please see the attached information regarding the details of the conference.
Give to Ukraine – Give to Ukraine through LME (https://www.lordsmove.org/offerings.html)
LSM Donations Website – LSM now has a website where online donations to Living Stream Ministry can be made: www.lsm.org/donations. This website may be used to make one-time donations, designated offerings, and fixed recurring donations. (It may not be used to make payments for goods or services.)
Mid Atlantic Work Fund – if you would like to give to the work in the mid Atlantic region, please make payments to church in Fairfax with designation to Mid Atlantic Work Fund.
Category of Funds
General Offering
Fellowship Unto the Gospel
Needy Saints
Fairfax Building Fund
Mid Atlantic Work Fund
Other Designation
Contribute to Church in Fairfax
By Check
Please make checks payable to church in Fairfax and mail to brother Daniel Tsung or drop it in the offering box located in the back of the cafeteria.
By Venmo
Please find “Church in Fairfax” on Venmo. We made our account setting private so your contribution won’t appear to other Venmo users. (In case of Venmo is asking last 4 digits of Church’s phone, please input 9095.)
By Zelle
Please send to the following email cifxoffering@gmail.com.
By PayPal
Please visit https://churchinfairfax.org/offerings/ or use the PayPal donate button below.
Upcoming Events
April International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones
- Anaheim, California 4/4 – 4/6, 2025
International Memorial Day Blending Conference
- Phoenix, Arizona 5/23 – 5/26, 2025
July Semiannual Training
- Anaheim, California 6/30 – 7/5, 2025
September International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones
- Malaysia, 9/25 – 9/27, 2025
International Thanksgiving Blending Conference
- Indianapolis, Indiana 11/27 – 11/30, 2025