
Welcome to the offering page for the church in Fairfax. This page has been created to provide information on how to make offerings via credit card or PayPal, and other ways.  

Ways to Contribute 

By Credit Card or PayPal

By Check
Make a check payable to THE CHURCH IN FAIRFAX with a designation to the appropriate matter and put it in the offering box.

By Zelle
Please send to the following email

By Venmo
Please find “Church in Fairfax” on Venmo. We made our account setting private so your contribution won’t appear to other Venmo users. (In case of Venmo is asking last 4 digits of Church’s phone, please input 9095.)

Current Category of Funds

General Offering
Fellowship Unto the Gospel
Needy Saints
Fairfax Building Fund
Mid Atlantic Work Fund
Other Designation

Not specified offerings will be placed in General Offering.

Offerings to Individuals

Generally offerings to the church are tax deductible. However, IRS regulations prohibit receiving a tax deduction for funds transferred from one individual to another through a church in order to curb potential abuses. This means that the giver needs to relinquish any control on how the funds designated to individuals are actually used in order for the offering to be qualified as tax deductible. Therefore, all offerings to the church are subject to the church’s decision on how the funds are utilized, independent of the designation but with the situation considered. The church’s independent decision could still often be in line with the giver’s suggestion in designation. Overall, this is for the church to be compliant to the IRS regulations.

However, if you wish to pass on funds to an individual (e.g., a needy saint or a full timer), you may do so without receiving the tax deduction by placing cash into an envelope with the intended recipient’s name indicated on the outside of the envelope. The offering brothers will ensure that the envelope is unopened and passed directly to the designated party. If you are generally burdened for needy saints in the church as a whole, you may make a donation by check and designate “needy saints” in the memo. Such an offering, since it is not specifically directed to a person, is tax deductible. Saints should also feel free to fellowship with the leading brothers about needy situations in the church.