Report from Gloria Kwong – 8/28/13
Dear saints, Since coming back to the UK from my trip to the US, things have not slowed down a bit! I recently migrated with another sister to Cardiff, Wales and we will be having our first Lord’s table meeting next weekend, September 8. There are two families here currently and two more moving in the next few weeks. The small church life has been very sweet, and the Lord is really building us up as a vital group. Pray for the beginning of our new school semester, that the Lord would gain many new students as remaining fruit to be added to the church. We will also have a Bible...
Read MoreReport From Gloria Kwong – 05/28/13
Hi everyone! This past month we hosted the One Week Trainings at Bower House. This time was so precious and profitable with many believers from all over Europe coming together for one week to enjoy and pursue the Lord together under the healthy speaking of the ministry. Many were completely new to the ministry and it was so awesome to see them find the key to our Christian life– our mingled spirit! They all seemed to enjoy entering into the practice of calling on the name of the Lord, pray-reading and prophesying; the atmosphere was so high and uplifted. We continue to meet with the...
Read MoreReport from Gloria Kwong – 04/01/13
Before going to the Full-Time Training Extension in Boston I had a personal burden regarding the Lord’s move to Europe and an openness to be sent out by the Lord. It was in Boston, however, that I experienced that personal burden becoming a corporate burden borne and realized in and through the Body. Every week in our times to pray concerning Europe and its situations plus all the increased fellowship with the saints in Europe gave me the feeling that I was already going there in a sense. Then, when there was some feeling to migrate, but there were obstacles, the prayer and fellowship really...
Read MoreReport from Rachel Birk
First, I would like to thank you all for your prayers and support for the past 2 years. The Lord has gained much and is continuing to gain more of my being. The training has been such a blessing and privilege. I feel that the Lord has had a way to really change my life for His benefit through this training. I pray the Lord would continue to gain my heart and entire being as well as all of yours. The Lord is always training us in every situation. Praise the Lord for His steadfastness and love for each one of us. As I am continuing on following the Lord, I am here in London. Thank you...
Read MoreReport from Alydia Davis
Dear Beloved Saints, Grace and peace to you from our precious Lord Jesus Christ. Please forgive me for writing this email so late. I am just sending it now because I have been working on it the whole term. I’m not sure why it has take me this long sorry for the delay. I just want to share with you how my fourth term has been and I also want to thank you all for sending me on the trip to Europe. There is much to stay say about Europe. My time in Italy was well spent with the saints,preaching the gospel, and praying with the saints to gain His testimony in Milan and in the while country....
Read MoreReport on 29 April 2012 Celebration of the Resumption of the Lord’s Table in Washington, DC
Dear saints in the Lord’s recovery, Christ the King, the Priest, the Warrior, the Victor, and the Drinker! We had a glorious meeting on April 29 to celebrate the resumption of the Lord’s table in Washington, DC. Roughly 600 adults and 75 children attended the meeting at Grand Hyatt in downtown Washington, DC. Most of the saints were from the churches on the East Coast, including New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia. Some saints from Salt Lake City, Utah; Arlington, Texas; and Anaheim, California were also present. ...
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